Unique and Personalized gift ideas

Confused on “What sort a personalized gift you should be gifting your loved ones?” Well you are at the right place or rather reading the right blog. We at Zupppy make sure to fulfill, all your requirements from delivering the products at your door step too helping you choose that perfect gift for that special someone.


Wooden Jar Holder


Invited to a housewarming? Or visiting that old friend of yours? Then this wooden jar holder would be a prefect gift. You can personalize the jars by adding few of their favorite cookies, or even chocolates. One can even DIY a scented candle in one of these jars or maybe DIY bathing scrubs. There are scented candles and bathing scrubs available on our website too, if you can’t DIY one.

Product link – https://zupppy.com/product/attractive-gift-basketwooden-crafted-fashionable-cookies-bouquet/



Foot Scrub

This would be that perfect gift for those who love to pamper themselves and like having that luxurious feel. These scrubs prevents situations like cracked heels and gives you smooth skin. And not just that, these scrubs are a very easy and an inexpensive way to treat physical and mental health ailments. You can use a foot scrub 2-3 times a week.

Product link – https://zupppy.com/product/bath-salt-and-foot-soak-salt/


Personalized Kadda

We all know that a kadda is a symbol of deep love and affection. This could be a very simple yet an elegant gift for your loved one. The kadda can be customized according to your color, name and patter preference. Just tell send us your preferences and leave the rest in hands of our artists.

Product link – https://zupppy.com/product/customised-kadda/


Slam Book

Want to make them feel a little extra special? Or maybe your person is just not that materialist. Well then this personalized slam book would be a prefect pick. You can add your favorite moments and without a doubt, the person who receives this gift will receive nothing but “Good Vibes”.

Product link – https://zupppy.com/product/personalized-diaries-miniature-photos/




Personalized Clutch

Wedding season is going on and one would surely want to restock their clutch collections. And there might be zero chances of losing these clutches, as you can customize them by adding ones name. And these clutches give out an elegant yet a very sophisticated vibe.

Product link – https://zupppy.com/product/beautiful-diwali-special-clutch/


Mobile cover


These days, mobiles are so costly that we treat them like babies. And there are times when one ends up dropping their phone and ruins the screen. To avoid these kind off accidents one can use his mobile cover which will help to avoid screen damage.

Product link – https://zupppy.com/product/crochet-mobile-cover-7/


Dragon Eggs

We have all heard about Pinata cakes but ever heard about Pinata gifts? Well this gift is a surprise in itself. These clay made eggs have a secret personalized message which can only be opened when cracked. How cool is that! The messages can be personalized according to your liking.

Product link – https://zupppy.com/product/game-of-thrones-dragon-eggs/


Pin badges

These Pin badges is a prefect gift for the people who like to express themselves, something that could be wore to showcase their talents, personality and likes. And not just this it can be used as a cool accessory on bags and purses

Product link – https://zupppy.com/product/game-of-thrones-pin-badges/


Cake and Cake Topper

You know, when you think of a cake, it immediately comes to mind that there is something to celebrate, and it is just like that. Giving someone a cake for a birthday, anniversary or graduation is a really good idea! Especially if the cake is customized precisely for the recipient’s preferences and if he doesn’t expect this tribute from you. And cakes look incomplete without a cake topper.

Product links – https://zupppy.com/product/chocolate-chocochip-truffle/



A gentle reminder it’s not always necessary to gift someone else, one can surely pamper yourself with all these goodies. And do let us know your reviews regarding our products would love to read them all. We are available on Facebook, Instagram and Linked inn.


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