Death Note

 Death Note, a gripping manga where a clever student named Light finds a deadly notebook. With its power to kill anyone whose name is written, Light seeks to rid the world of criminals and create his own justice. But when a mysterious detective known as “L” starts hunting him, the game of cat and mouse intensifies. Follow Light’s journey as he grapples with moral dilemmas and the consequences of playing god. Experience the suspense and intrigue as these two formidable minds clash in a battle of wits. Death Note is a thrilling tale of power, morality, and the pursuit of justice.


Death Note is a Japanese comic about a clever high school student, Light Yagami, who finds a strange notebook. This notebook lets him decide who dies just by writing their name. Light wants to make the world better by getting rid of bad people. But a smart detective named “L” is onto him, making things tricky. As Light tries to outsmart “L,” he faces tough choices about right and wrong. The story shows how power can change someone, and the consequences of playing with life and death. It’s a thrilling tale of suspense, mystery, and moral dilemmas

Dimension – A5
100gsm paper quality
120 pages
Wire-o binding
Weight 0.2 kg
Dimensions 15 × 15 × 15 cm

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