Handmade Clay Glass

Clay glass, or faience, is a shiny, glass-like material made from ground quartz or sand mixed with soda or plant ash. It was used in ancient times for everyday items like jewelry, decorative tiles, small figurines, and household containers. Known for its bright, glossy finish in various colors, clay glass added beauty and functionality to daily life and held cultural significance in religious and ceremonial contexts. Its versatile use in creating beads, pendants, and architectural details highlights the advanced craftsmanship of ancient civilizations.


Clay glass, also known as faience, is a shiny, glass-like material made from ground quartz or sand mixed with other substances. It was commonly used in ancient times for various everyday purposes. Here’s a straightforward look at how it was used in regular life:

What is Clay Glass?

  • Made From: Ground quartz or sand mixed with things like soda or plant ash.
  • Process: Shaped, dried, coated with a glaze, and fired in a kiln to make it shiny.
  • Look: Bright and glossy, often in colors like blue, green, yellow, and white.

Everyday Uses

  1. Jewelry:
    • Beads and Pendants: For making necklaces, bracelets, and charms.
  2. Decorations:
    • Tiles and Mosaics: Used to decorate walls and floors with colorful designs.
    • Small Figurines: Little statues of animals, people, or symbols.
  3. Household Items:
    • Containers: Small jars and bowls for holding things like perfumes and cosmetics.
  4. Building Decorations:
    • Architectural Details: Used on buildings to add decorative touches like friezes (decorative bands) and reliefs (raised designs).
  5. Amulets:
    • Good Luck Charms: Worn or carried for protection and good fortune.
    • Pack Of 1

Why It Was Useful

  • Beautiful: Its shiny, colorful look made everyday items more attractive.
  • Versatile: Could be used to make many different types of objects.
  • Cultural Significance: Often used in religious and ceremonial items, showing the skill and creativity of ancient people.

In short, clay glass was an ancient material that added beauty and function to everyday life, from jewelry and household items to building decorations and good luck charms.

Weight 0.2 kg
Dimensions 15 × 15 × 15 cm

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